3 recent images of mating monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) - Page 2 of 3...
<Photo of monarch butterflies mating on the ground of a driveway in SWF>
This pair of monarchs was photographed in a Florida neighbor’s accommodating empty driveway during the first days of May 2016. Passing casually, I first took them for some leaves tossed about
by the wind. It was a violent, rather lengthy struggle with the male (on top) the stronger wrestler.
See how close the faces are, kissing or being stared down..?
Wishful thinking would have this to be a first generation mating, on the species' migration
from Mexico. More likely however, the pair belonged to what's referred to as Florida monarchs
who may never leave the state or make it further north. Both of them appeared fresh, even
the surprisingly untattered female. No “pale rags” yet.
<2 close-up images by Wolf Peter Weber of a pair of monarch butterflies mating on the ground of a driveway in SWF>
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